Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wellington NZ Wedding

Way behind on upudating the blog as usual! :-(
This was a wedding we did in Wellington last month.
They had their service at Old St Paul's in the city & then we went to several inner city locations for photos.
At sunset we took them out to the lookout by the Skyline restaurant at the top of the cable car for more photos & these came out great!
Also on the way to the cable car we shot the second photo in the middle of Lambton Quay... we were all so stoked with that one.
AFPNZ now has a Facebook page ...
don't laugh at it I have only just started it & am trying to figure it all out.
Here is the link

Please feel free to add us as a friend.... I'm not sure yet how it works so bear with us!! :-)
Cheers for now,